A vaginal prolapse is when one or more of the pelvic organs has dropped down into the vagina. It can be the uterus, bladder or the rectum that has moved.
Symptoms of a prolpase can include;
A dragging or heaviness in the vagina, difficulty having a bowel motion, urgency to pass urine, feeling of not completely emptying the bladder, discomfort during intercourse, a visual bulge at the entrance to the vagina.
The most common cause of pelvic organ prolapse is Child birth.
But symptoms can develop with ageing and the menopause, chronic constipation, being overweight, heavy lifting or family history of prolapse.
Pelvic floor Physiotherapy can help by assessing you and then giving you life style advice, pelvic floor muscle training and fitting a pessary if needed. Advice can also be given about pelvic safe exercise.