Mary Winchester is a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist.
Mary completed her Physiotherapy training in 1992. She then worked as a general physiotherapist in several hospitals. For the last 15 years Mary has specialised in Women’s Health physiotherapy, working for 10 years at the Christchurch Women’s hospital and for the last 5 years in private practise.
Mary has a holistic approach to her care and is passionate about helping women with these sensitive issues.
Mary is passionate about using her pelvic health physiotherapy skills to help with these sensitive issues:
During pregnancy and childbirth your body goes through alot of changes. Mary uses an evidence based approach in helping you accomodate to these changes while promoting an optimal pregnancy and labour experience. Mary is also ACC registered and can see you for Maternal Birth injuries.
Pelvic Organ prolapse can occur at any stage in a womans life. However, child birth and menopause are times when you can be more at risk. Vaginal pessaries have been shown to significantly reduce symptoms of prolapse. Mary is trained to assess and help you with this.
Pelvic pain can effect your daily life and stop you doing the things you enjoy. Pelvic floor dysfunction can often be contributing to the pain. Mary is skilled at assessing this and can help you improve your pelvic floor muscle function and get back to doing the things you enjoy.
Supervised pelvic floor muscle training has been shown to significantly reduce urine incontinence. Bladder training can also help reduce urgency and frequency. Mary can assess you and help you find the best plan to help your symptoms.
Pelvic floor muslce dysfunction can cause difficulty with holding onto bowel motions or difficulty with emptying your bowels. It can be hard to talk about these problems but Mary will be able to assess you sensitively and help you to find a way to improve your symptoms.
To make an appointment please get in touch;
by phone on 027 686 6899
Alternatively send us a message below, and we’ll get right back to you.
The clinic will be closed from Dec 23-Jan 13th for Christmas and New Year.
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